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Thursday, August 23, 2012

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Microsoft Office Specialist - MOS Excel 2010 Expert

Transform your Data : Sharpen and Improve your business data, analysis & data transformation using Microsoft excel 2012

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) : Excel 2010 Expert Exam #77-888 

Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Expert teaches the information worker how to work with different types of documents using a variety of core and intermediate features to create and edit professional-looking spreadsheets for a variety of purposes and situations. Some topics may appear to be basic skill sets but are discussed in more detail, exploring at a higher level different options that can be chosen or applied for that skill set.

Students who complete this course will have reviewed all of the exam objectives and be on their way to preparing for Microsoft Excel 2010 Expert Exam #77-888.

Duration: 16 hrs 

Trainer: Kavinda Kotuwegedara (MS Office Master - MOM, MCTS, MVP, MCT)

For more information and inquiries please contact 0777 318 120 or visit